Sunday, September 7, 2008

The ActiviTy

I have just really started my work last week. It looks late and procrastinating. Well.. they said students are always like that. It is not a very good statement but I agree for the time being..
Being in this course teach me a lot of new things with great application. I was introduced to the smartboard during my third semester but I have never realized that smartboard can provide teacher with enormous assistance until the assignment is carried out. I started to applied functions that contain in the software. I have not being able to apply and master all the functions, but I still believe that it will develop within time and through constant interaction.
My rough idea of constructing the smartboard activity is to include the sesame street video which presents Cookie Monster (MC) singing “Healthy Food”. It seems to be catchy and applicable to the activity since my content is generally on food. I used to enjoy Sesame Street when I was young. Here, I include lyrics (chorus) of “Healthy Food”, singing by MC.

Healthy food!
Boy, it taste so good.
Me one healthy dude
'Cause me eat healthy food.
Me love it boiled or stewed,
Me love it whole or chewed.
You'd feel just great if you'd
Eat some healthy food!

Me promise that when you eat varied menu,
You get more out of every meal.
You need balanced diet,
Come on and try it!
Not believe how great you'll feel!

Munch some carrots or beans
Or poultry or greens,
Along with your chocolate chip.
And banana or plum
Will make you go, "Yum!"
Nutrition--- it really hip!