Sunday, August 3, 2008

Movie & tHe ProgreSSioN...

Through out the week, i have been sitting in from of the laptop, continuity complete my movie. Thanks to some friends who give me the Power Director, which is now replacing the Window Movie Maker. Thanks guys..
My strategies was i collected the materials needed for the movie, completed the story board, and then started to do movie editing. I asked my sister to become the "model" in the video and my brother as the only "production crew". Besides friends and course mate, it is really enjoying when sometimes, completing assignment with the help of own family members. Personally, the process of collection materials, capturing pictures, and recording clips are really valuable moments, especially when most of the things go smooth. Much more valuable when we get great score for the effort..! Hehe..
Until now, the movie is in 75% completed. I strongly hope that the objective of the movie can be achieved as well as applicable in the real classroom. The main idea of the movie is to guide the pupils to make their own photo craft. For me, the video is suitable for young learner. For instance, the video shows the pupils to paste paper using using glue neatly, to draw, to decorate and to paint. All this small elements actually able to enhance pupils creativity. This will also develop their fine motor skills since most of the activity in the video requires them to use their hands.
Here are some info about motor skills:

What are fine motor skills?
Fine motor skills are those skills which require a child to manipulate and gain control over a range of materials and tools. These are often for communication purposes both functional and expressive, eg writing a name or message, manipulating a computer mouse, creating a sculpture. Opportunities to develop these skills exist in all six key learning areas of the primary curriculum. The components of fine motor skills can be considered to be:

* Grasping -eg using a crayon, pencil, brush, glue stick, beater, blocks
* Manipulating - eg playdough, clay, paper, sewing, scissors, fingerplays
* Hand-eye co-ordination - eg writing, cutting,using a glue gun

Structured learning experiences such as developmental play and learning centres are opportunities for teachers to provide a range of activities which will help develop the fine motor skills of children. These will often include materials such as playdough, clothes pegs, sorting, Lego, construction toys, bottles and lids, paper, pens, paints and other media, computer-based technology.

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